速報APP / 新聞與雜誌 / Science TV for Kids - HD TV

Science TV for Kids - HD TV



檔案大小:14.3 MB


版本需求:需要 tvOS 9.2 或以上版本。 Apple TV.


Science TV for Kids - HD TV(圖1)-速報App

Science Tube - HD Science TV for Kids is one unique science app for your TV to watch the latest Inventions related Science & Information technology in few taps.

Application has been categorized in six different categories like

* Computer Science

* Mathematics

* Information Technolgy

* Algebra

Science TV for Kids - HD TV(圖2)-速報App

* Top Lectures from each categories

* Harward OpenCource

* World Science Festival Lectures and all the content contains HD videos.

-> Harward Open cource is one great cource for anyone who is willing to learn someting new and unique in Computer Science.

-> World Science Festival have a large collection of HD content in which All the Scientists around the globe appeared and show thier unique ideas and inventions.

-> Algebra & Mathematics a great collection for KIDS also to learn the basics of mathematics and Algebra and also something unique for the people who are fond of Mathematics.

Science TV for Kids - HD TV(圖3)-速報App

Now, there is no need to search anywhere just Download This app to watch all the favorite content in a single app.

Disclaimer: All rights belong to their respective owners. All the content displayed in the app is brought through the YouTube's Public API.

Science TV for Kids - HD TV(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:Apple TV